this is a port of Bastiaventure Ending update on Scratch (

after releasing the port on itch i forgot the controller bug with main menu so i fixed it
-=Main Story=-
Oh noes! BPG Characters are trapped in different dimensions! Including some youtubers! If a portal appears, it should teleport bastian and all the others back to their original universes!

-=Episode Limeed Story=-
Same as the main story but limeed gets the portal first instead of Bastian and Chipflake

Nintendo - Most of the enemies and tiles

Chipflake - Chipflake (main ending cat)

Griffpatch - Tutorial guy for this game

BastianSeb (sebibes on scratch) - BastianSeb

SFXR - Literally a lot of sound effects

Minecraft - Diamond blocks, diamonds,

and the collect sound

FindingPepper - Multiple background tutorial

and on off blocks

Nintendo again - Backgrounds and most of

the music

LBG - Idea and ending

Limeed - Original skin in Episode Limeed

Sega - Title screen music


Bastiaventure port 127 MB
Bastiaventure port 128 MB
Bastiaventure port 45 MB

Install instructions

1 download zip
2 move to wherever you keep downloaded games from itch
3 extract it at that place
4 open the folder that is created
5 click on bastiaventure-port.exe (the icon is two black scratch blocks)
6 enjoy lol


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ayy its you